On the Streets     Kenneth Kit Lamug
Enterprise Library      January 12 - March 28

A collection of street photographs involving people, scenes and moments caught by photographer Kenneth Kit Lamug. Described by some as the art of finding order in chaos, street photography aims at documenting the human condition and drama that plays out in public places, places that everybody visits every day. The camera acts as an unobtrusive extension of the eye in any given situation, framing and freezing a mood or event that would otherwise go unnoticed, thereby transforming the actions, interactions and humorous juxtapositions of our lives’ fleeting moments into dramatic and intriguing art.

Visit the artist's website at www.kenlamug.com

Artist Statement

As a young child in the Philippines, story telling and illustration fascinated me. I would spend countless hours writing and drawing comic books using recycled paper from copy machines. Since being an artist wasn't exactly something that one could do as a career, l put the pen and paper down for a profession in computers.

 In the mid 90's my parents and siblings moved to Las Vegas to build a new life. Several years had passed and the urge for creativity crept back in the form of photography. In a fast paced world, I found out that photography was a tool that I used to slow down and re-connect with the world. But more than the staged photos, I wanted to capture into film the souls that lived in the world, in its raw unforgiving form. Some of the people are full of color and life, some pass through like statues. Although we can't really know these figures in space, a thought is invoked as we observe candid scenes that reveal themselves. And once a photo is made, a new reality is created; one that is inspired by the photographer-- the storyteller.

I believe that documenting the street life is something that is unique and created 'in the moment' and can never be the same again. It can often be a battle between content and aesthetic composition or sometimes a harmonious play between all the elements. In Street Photography, the rules are often broken and new things are always discovered. It is not easy; it takes a lot of time and patience.

So with a camera at hand, and a finger on the trigger, I roam the streets every time I get a chance in search of the next moment, thinking to myself, “I wish I had started sooner.''